Level Five Research - LEVEL5 Quest - Fast, Fuzzy, Found! - Online Database Publishing

Advanced Fuzzy Search

LEVEL5 Quest provides a complete array of fuzzy settings for you to develop advanced fuzzy database search projects. By tuneing the fuzzy settings of database attribute (column) importance, fuzzy curve shape, and fuzzy concept mappings, you can customize a LEVEL5 Quest dstabase search project for easy end user searching.

Value Maps
Value Maps for numbers, dates, times and Zip Code database fields provide you with a quick
Match Methods
LEVEL5 Quest provides an array of match methods. You can decide to setup searchs where "near is good and less is better," or "near is good and more is better," or "near is the best." For text searches you can select to search for whole words or phrases, for parts of words, for nearness by Zip Codes, or search for concepts.
You can control what "near" means. The fuzziness buttons provided in the Workstation controls how tight or loose the Search Engine will score a column valueÆs nearness to a target.
Concept Maps
LEVEL5 Quest provides a simple method for you to create concept maps, enabling your users to search based on high level concepts as opposed to only searching for values in the database. A concept map is created in the Workstation by dragging database column values from a list into a two dimensional space. You can create a hierarchy of terms on one or two axes, or groups and neighborhoods of ælikeÆ values. The LEVEL5 Quest Search engine will refer to the concept map for a column to determine nearness of target values to database values.
Relative Importance
Any search targets you select can be given a relative importance. For example, "price" is more important than "brand name."

LEVEL5 Quest
Advanced Fuzzy Search Development & Publishing

Develop Projects using LEVEL5 Quest Workstation
The LEVEL5 Quest Workstation creates and administers projects for publishing databases on the Internet using the LEVEL5 Quest Server for the Web. All database connectivity, fuzzy search engine settings, and search results formatting settings are controlled using the LEVEL5 Quest Workstation; an interactive Windows application. Putting a database on-line can occur in as little as a few minutes.
Create Projects for The World Wide Web
Providing controlled content-knowledgable and searchable database access on-line is of mission critical importance for todayÆs corporations. The LEVEL5 Quest Workstation creates and administers projects for publishing databases on the Internet using the LEVEL5 Quest Server for the Web.

LEVEL5 Sales 1335 Gateway Drive, Suite 2005 Melbourne, FL 32901
(800) 444-4303 or (407) 729-6004 FAX (407) 727-7615 Web www.l5r.com